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🇮🇳 India | 🇺🇸 USA | 🇫🇷 France | 🇲🇽 Mexico


What are the eligibility qualification/criteria needed for applying?

There is no restriction on age, qualification, training or experience.

What are the Levels of training program?
  • Yoga Volunteer- 5 Years
  • Yoga Protocol Instructor- 5 Years
  • Yoga Wellness Instructor- 5 Years
  • Yoga Teacher & Evaluator- 5 Years
  • Yoga Therapy Level 1 (Assistant Yoga Therapist) – 5 Years
  • Yoga Therapy Level 2 (Yoga Therapist) – 5 Years
What is the difference between Level 1 and Level 2 training program?

Level 1 is basic professional program while Level 2 is advanced.

Will the study material be provided?

Yes. Swasti Yoga will provide study material, yoga accessories required for the Yoga training program.

What level of preparation is expected to take part in the program?

Swasti Yoga Centre’s introductory workshop, sensitizing students about the syllabus and scope of yoga teacher training program is a must and highly recommended. Also practice, patience, self discipline and health at all levels is needed to complete the rigorous training program.

Is there any sponsorship or discounts available?

No sponsorships or discounts are being offered.

How will mock tests help me?

Mock tests conducted in the institute will test your understanding, knowledge, demonstration and teaching skills. The weaker sections will then be polished to make you appear for the QCI yoga certification exam with confidence.

How will I be assessed for certification?

Certification will take into consideration the following aspects:

Attendance: All sessions are mandatory. Minimum 90 % attendance is compulsory.

Knowledge: Trainee must be able to memorize and know important concepts of Yoga.

Conduct classes: Trainee must show proficiency in conducting classes and teaching skills.

Practice: Trainee must be competent to demonstrate practices.

Why should I appear for Yoga Professional Certification exam by Yoga Certification Board (YCB) or previously called as Quality Council of India (QCI)?

a) This Scheme is supported by the Government of India
b) Ministry of External Affairs body, the Indian Council of Cultural Relations (ICCR) has recognized the Yoga Professional Level 2 certification and made it as a pre-requisite for foreign deputation for promotion of Yoga
c) State Governments are keenly interested to insert this as a requirement for their recruitment drive from time to time – e.g. Government of Haryana
d) Probability of higher employment opportunities in government schools, colleges, Yoga institutions.
e) List of successful candidates will be displayed on AYUSH website for providing any further opportunities arising
f) It will assist the learners in seeking qualified Yoga teachers.

What Is The Yoga Professional Certification Scheme by QCI/ YCB?

The honourable Prime Minister of India had desired to spread India’s traditional knowledge worldwide with credible systems with specific reference to Yoga which should provide India leadership in assuring quality of Yoga practices across the world. The Ministry of AYUSH in pursuance of the above and in the wake of declaration of International Day of Yoga in 2015 identified the Quality Council of India (QCI) to develop a Voluntary Scheme for Evaluation and Certification of Yoga Professionals. QCI has designed the Yoga Professional Certification Scheme by adopting the principles and requirements laid down in the international standard, ISO 17024:2012 General Requirements for Bodies Operating Certification of Persons. The Scheme was presented to the Ministry of AYUSH and was launched on 22 June 2015 in the valedictory function of the International Day of Yoga celebration by the Hon’ble Home Minister, Shri Rajnath Singh. Please note that it is not a yoga course or teachers training program. The Scheme is to validate the competence of Yoga Professionals for their knowledge and skill as per the Syllabus mentioned in the Scheme document.

Is the examination fee for YCB yoga certification exams covered in the training program?

No. The fees has to be paid online on the website of YCB and/or approved Personal Certification Bodies (PrCBs)

What is the validity of the Yoga Professional certificate by Yoga Certification Board (YCB)?

The certificate is valid for 5 years only. However, before the date of expiry of certificate, candidate shall need to approach approved YCB for a surveillance examination. This test will revalidate the existing competence of the candidate. It is the responsibility of the candidate to approach any of the approved PrCB to take the surveillance. Candidates who fail to do so will have their name removed from the central registry.

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