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Kids Yoga Teacher Training Classes

Kids Yoga

Heena Sharma Level 2 certified yoga teacher at Swasti Yoga Center My short story – It seemed difficult for me to introduce my 1year old kid to yoga. I love doing yoga and I wanted to introduce my kid to the culture of YOG. Initially, I found it difficult because I was trying to teach her yoga Asanas but then I realized that we can’t force them to do anything. Then I started doing some of the yoga postures in front of her. I started to bring her into my yoga class. And to my surprise, she herself started doing some of her favourite asanas. Kids do what they see as they always observe elders. So as a parent we need not force them for anything instead we should do things in front of them what we like them to do Kids these days are busy with electronic gadgets. In fact, we are so busy in our lives that we barely notice the growth and development of our kids. There are very less outdoor activities for them to play because they are busy with their electronic gadgets and televisions. Also with wrong food habits, kids are suffering from different diseases in such a small age. Yoga should begin at an early age. Yoga helps kids to relax, relieve stress and anxiety, sleep better, improve emotional regulation, increase empathy and improve mood, Increase in their concentration and helps them to cope up with difficult situations in their life. Physically, it enhances their flexibility, strength, coordination, and body awareness. In addition, their concentration and sense of calmness and relaxation improve. Yoga brings that marvelous inner light that all children require. Practicing’s yoga with kids also teaches them how to be more mindful, which happens to be just one of the many ways in which we can teach mindfulness to kids.

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Best Online Pregnancy Yoga Teacher Training Course

Best Online Pregnancy Yoga Teacher Training Course | Yoga TTC

Pregnancy Yoga Teacher Training Course Pregnancy Yoga Teacher Training Course is fast becoming a popular choice of yoga teachers. This course is designed especially for yoga teachers who wish to expand their skill sets and begin teaching safe prenatal yoga. In short, you will learn how to teach yoga to pregnant women. By the end of this course, you’ll be certified to conduct safe and calming prenatal and postnatal yoga classes. When you’re looking for the best online pregnancy yoga teacher training coursein Pune, look no further than Swasti Yoga Center. At Swasti Yoga, our prenatal yoga course structure includes the following topics: Anatomy of the pregnant body in each trimester, baby’s development, the pelvic floor muscles, hormones, etc. Common issues during pregnancy Benefits of Prenatal Yoga Safety of mom and baby during yoga classes Pregnancy-friendly yoga poses, postnatal yoga poses, and guidelines Yoga poses to avoid during pregnancy Pranayama, meditation, and breathing exercises for pregnancy Legal aspects of prenatal and postnatal classes. Our affordable online Yoga Teacher Training courses are pocket-friendly yet most comprehensive. We offer one of the most comprehensive prenatal YTT courses in India. After completing this course, students are fully qualified to conduct prenatal yoga classes for pregnant women. Benefits of Swasti Online Yoga TTC Course: With yoga sessions becoming available online, international students from all around the world can take advantage of this training. Students can study from the convenience of their own homes. Students have access to the most comprehensive and best course curriculum ever devised. Students have access to internationally-recognised faculty who will encourage enriched learning. It saves money on travel and lodging. Flexible batch times allow students to choose a course that fits their schedule. For enrolling yourself in the best online pregnancy yoga teacher training course in Pune, contact Swasti Yoga Centre or call +91 9922916025 / 9545019322 today!

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5 Misconceptions About India That Need To Be Debunked

5 misconceptions about India that need to be debunked

India, the land of snake charmers, yoga, and spirituality. It’s a country that is steeped in tradition and culture. Indians are often associated with their strong beliefs in religion and spiritualism. However, there are many misconceptions about India that need to be debunked if we want to understand this complex country. In this article: – The 5 most common misconceptions about India – Why do these misconceptions need to be debunked? – What these misconceptions of India actually mean — The most common misconceptions about India There are many misconceptions about India, but there are 5 that seem to be the most common: – India is a country of snake charmers and people who remain in the past. – India is not a democracy because they have a caste system. – Women in India are held back by the men in their lives. – Hinduism is the main religion of India, but it’s the only one. – India is entirely rural. — India is poor and starving This is the number one misconception about India, which is that it’s a country that is poor and starving. And while this may have been the case in the past, it is not the case anymore. India’s economy has grown by leaps and bounds over the last decade, with a staggering growth of 14% in 2015 alone. Furthermore, as per GDP (Gross Domestic Product) , it has now surpassed France to become the world’s sixth-largest economy . Contrary to popular belief, India is now emerging as one of the world’s fastest growing economies. One of the reasons for this is that there are no restrictions on foreign investments or imports in India. Another reason for this misconception about India being poor and starving might be because of poverty-related problems like child labor or issues with access to education and healthcare. However, these are not as widespread across India as we usually think they are. One important point to note here is that there are many types of India: rural vs urban; educated vs uneducated; upper class vs lower class; rich vs poor; etc.  These various types make up different parts of India, which means that India cannot be generalized as ‘poor and starving’. India has Affordable Rates Affordable rates is a term that has different meanings for different people. For some it may mean that they can find goods and services at a price that is lower than the market rate in the area they are from. For others, it may mean that they can find goods and services that are within their budget. In India, the cost of living and availability of goods and services would be considered affordable rates for the majority of the Western nations. The cost of living in metropolitan areas is higher than in rural areas. This is largely due to the cost of real estate and the availability of goods and services. In rural areas, the cost of living is lower due to the availability of land and the cost of goods and services. Consider that the average India salary per month in India is around 31,900 INR, this is on average about $428.49 USD per month (given exchange rates). If you take that into account, add on some for mark ups, you can figure that  for about $1,000 usd a month you could live well. — Indians are oppressed by the caste system It’s an unfortunate truth that India is still fighting with the caste system. The traditional Indian caste system is a social stratification system utilizing endogamy (meaning people are only allowed to marry within their caste) and hereditary occupations. This has been a formative aspect of Indian society for centuries, with the four main castes being Brahmin (the priestly caste), Kshatriya (the warrior and noble caste), Vaishya (the trading and farming caste), and Shudra (the servant or laborer caste). This sounds like an oppressive belief system to us, but for many Indians this is simply their way of life. Many Hindus believe in reincarnation, so they think that the person’s position in society is determined by how they lived their past life. In other words, if you were a good person before your past life, you will be born into a higher caste in your next lifetime. To many Indians, it’s not as much of an issue as it may seem to outsiders who are unfamiliar with this belief system. It’s important to remember that not everyone subscribes to this belief system or agrees with it. — Indian women are oppressed by patriarchy The first misconception about India is that all Indian women are oppressed by a patriarchy. The truth is, this is more of a cultural phenomenon than an institutional one. Indian women are often considered to be the backbone of the family and are given significant influence in the decision-making process. Some families may have different expectations for sons and daughters in terms of education or career paths, but this has less to do with gender discrimination than it does with how money will be spent differently on each child. Indian culture also places enormous emphasis on marriage and having children, so even if there are more opportunities for girls to pursue higher education, they may instead marry early and start a family due to social pressure. Indian Woman and their contribution to society Did you know that Mother Teresa Was from India? Since ancient times, Indian women have been contributing to the society in various ways. They have been playing a pivotal role in the family and the society. Even today, Indian women are breaking all the barriers and are making a mark for themselves in various fields. Despite facing challenges and hurdles, they are coming out victorious and setting an example for the world. Indian women are not only intelligent and hardworking but are also very graceful and cultured. They are the perfect amalgamation of beauty and brains. This page has a lot of powerful Indian women who have

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Surya Namaskar and its Variations

Surya Namaskar and its Variations

Surya Namaskar And Its Variations Surya Namaskar is one of the most basic and fundamental practices in yoga. The exact founder is unknown; however, it is believed to have been propagated by the King of Anudh. There are few modifications to aid those who cannot perform the traditional 12 poses, while there are several variations which aim to challenge the limitations of the body and to develop endurance. There are upto 28 variations of this sequence. In Ashtanga yogic practice, sun salutation has two forms. In the first, there are nine poses, while in the second, there are 17 to 19. One can also practice the poses with a higher energy level for example, transition from Padahasta asana to Ashwa Sanchalanasana with a slight jump instead of slow gradual movement or landing in Chaturanga danda asana (with body parallel to the ground) instead of Ashtanga Namaskara. Traditional Hatha Surya Namaskar In this tradition, the sun salutation is performed through the classic 12 spinal positions, with emphasis on breathing. The 12 steps are: Pranamasana Hastauttanasana Hasta Padasana Vama Ashwa Sanchalanasana Dandasana Bhujangasana Ashtanga Namaskara Parvatasana Dakshin Ashwa Sanchalanasana Hasta Padasana Hastauttanasana Pranamasana Examples of variations: Half Sun Salutation (Ardha Surya Namaskar), Seated Sun Salutation (Upavistha Surya Namaskar), Surya Namaskar Variation Sitting On Chair, Surya Namaskar Variation Standing In Front Of Chair), Surya Namaskar Variation Quick Vinyasa and Sun Salutation Variation Crescent Low Lunge Surya Namaskar Variation Anjaneyasana. Example of modifications of individual poses are- I) Variations in the mountain pose (Tadasana) II) Forward Stretch Variation (Uttanasana) III) Lunge Variation IV) Variations in the Downward-Facing Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Shvanasana) References: Light on Yoga: The Classic Guide to Yoga by the World’s Foremost Authority: B.K.S. Iyengar Teaching Yoga: Essential Foundations and Techniques: Textbook by Mark Stephens Certification of Yoga Professionals Guidebook for level 1 Source :-  https://yogainternational.com/article/view/Variations-on-Sun-Salutes-Moving-Outside-the-Square https://www.tummee.com/yoga-poses/sun-salutation/variations

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essentials qualities of yoga teacher

Essential Qualities of a Successful Yoga Teacher: Insights from Swasti Yoga Training

In a world where the pursuit of holistic well-being is becoming increasingly prevalent, the role of a yoga teacher has never been more critical. As yoga enthusiasts and aspiring instructors, it’s essential to delve deep into the teachings and understand the qualities that set apart an exceptional yoga teacher. Beyond the physical postures and sequences, true yoga teaching is a profound calling that requires a unique set of attributes. In this journey towards becoming an impactful yoga instructor, we explore the essential qualities that every successful yoga teacher should cultivate, drawing insights from the ancient teachings and wisdom imparted during training. Shrotriya – The Knower of the Subject The term ‘Shrotriya’ translates to ‘one who has heard.’ In the context of yoga teaching, it signifies a deep understanding and knowledge of the subject. A successful yoga teacher not only practices yoga but is also well-versed in its philosophy, history, and principles. According to recent statistics, the demand for certified yoga instructors is on the rise, with a projected growth rate of 13% from 2020 to 2030 in the United States alone. This trend underscores the importance of being a knowledgeable ‘Shrotriya’ to meet the increasing demand for qualified yoga instructors. Brahmanishta – Firm Believer in Yoga Practices and Philosophy To truly inspire and guide students on their yoga journey, a successful yoga teacher must be a ‘Brahmanishta’ – a firm believer in yoga practices and its underlying philosophy. Recent surveys show that people are turning to yoga not just for physical fitness but also for mental and emotional well-being. As a ‘Brahmanishta,’ you are well-equipped to address these evolving needs and provide a holistic approach to health and wellness. Vinamrata – Humility In a world often defined by ego and competition, humility is a quality that sets exceptional yoga teachers apart. According to a survey conducted among yoga practitioners, students consistently mention humility as a key factor in their choice of a yoga teacher. ‘Vinamrata’ or humility allows you to connect with your students on a deeper level, fostering trust and loyalty. Karuna – Compassion for Beginners Every yoga teacher was once a beginner. ‘Karuna,’ or compassion, is the quality that enables you to relate to your students, especially those who are new to yoga. According to industry reports, there is a growing trend of beginners seeking yoga classes. Your compassionate approach helps beginners feel supported and encouraged, making them more likely to continue their yoga journey. Nishkamabhava – Selflessness Yoga teaching should never be about monetary gains or personal recognition. According to global yoga industry statistics, ethical and selfless yoga teaching is gaining prominence as students seek authentic and sincere instructors. ‘Nishkamabhava,’ or selflessness, ensures that your intentions are pure, aligning with the expectations of today’s conscious consumers of yoga services. Tyaag – Self-Sacrifice ‘Tyaag,’ or self-sacrifice, involves going beyond your comfort zone to help your students. According to a survey of yoga students, the willingness of teachers to go the extra mile significantly impacts their overall experience. Successful yoga teachers are willing to make sacrifices for the greater good, putting the needs of their students first and creating loyal followings. Bhakti – Unconditional Love for Yoga and Teaching ‘Bhakti’ signifies unconditional love and devotion. As a yoga teacher, this devotion extends to both yoga itself and the act of teaching. According to a recent industry report, yoga students value the passion and dedication of their teachers. Your love for yoga and teaching fuels your passion for sharing it with others, attracting and retaining students. Dharma – Righteous Conduct and Ethical Yoga Practices The concept of ‘Dharma’ refers to righteous conduct and ethical yoga practices. A successful yoga teacher follows a code of conduct that aligns with the classical texts of yoga, such as the Yoga Sutra, Hatha Yoga Pradipika, and Shiv Samhita. Ethical yoga teaching is gaining recognition globally, with organizations and students seeking instructors who uphold these principles. In conclusion, becoming a successful yoga teacher is a profound journey that extends far beyond physical postures and sequences. These qualities, rooted in ancient yogic wisdom, serve as the foundation for an impactful and fulfilling career in yoga. Embrace these qualities, and you’ll not only excel as a yoga teacher but also inspire and uplift those who walk alongside you on the path of yoga. Moreover, the global yoga industry is experiencing remarkable growth, presenting numerous opportunities for career development. With increasing awareness of the physical and mental health benefits of yoga, the demand for qualified yoga instructors continues to rise. As you cultivate the essential qualities of a successful yoga teacher, you position yourself to be part of this thriving industry. Embracing yoga as a career offers stability and the potential for a fulfilling livelihood. Whether you choose to teach at local studios, wellness centers, or even internationally, your dedication to the principles of yoga will allow you to make a meaningful impact on the lives of countless individuals seeking health and happiness through this ancient practice. In conclusion, a career in yoga is not only personally rewarding but also promises significant growth and global opportunities. By embodying the essential qualities discussed here, you can not only excel as a yoga teacher but also contribute to the well-being of individuals worldwide, spreading the transformative power of yoga far and wide.

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Yoga: Mind, Body and The Consistency

Are People Paying Serious Attention to Online Yoga During COVID-19 Pandemic?

With the rapid spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, people from across the world have started enrolling themselves in Online Yoga classes. This enrolment rush is because people are now undertaking various precautions to fight the novel coronavirus. They are trying to change their ways of living and adopt a healthy lifestyle. Yoga practice involves various Pranayams that strengthen the respiratory system. Many people have realized the true potential of Yoga in the fight against coronavirus. That is why Yoga has become an important part of the lives of many health-conscious people. They are adopting the ancient yogic practice to maintain their overall health and well-being. While staying at home amid the coronavirus health crisis, people have noted the Benefits Of Online Yoga and are paying serious attention to it. Many people who had never practiced yoga, have either joined online yoga classes or started learning by watching yoga videos online. The biggest benefit of online yoga classes is that people from across the globe can actively participate in the programme without the need for any travel or onsite presence. Yoga enthusiasts who wish to take up Yoga practice as their career need to undertake a Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) course. In the current pandemic times, even the YTT courses are now available online. If you are looking for Online Yoga Teacher Training Certification In India, enroll yourself with Swasti Yoga Center, Pune. Benefits Of Online Yoga Teacher Training Programme: Comfort & Convenience: With Online Yoga classes, students can conveniently attend online theory and practical sessions remotely from the comfort of their homes. Cost-Saving: Online yoga courses help students save on the costs of travel and accommodation, making the course very cheap and affordable. Access From All Locations: Students can access the online courses from any location to get yoga training. Availability Of Top Yoga Teachers: Online yoga courses enable top yoga gurus and teachers to join remotely from any part of the world to impart training and mentorship to students. Best Online Yoga Teacher Training Certification In India At Swasti Yoga, our online yoga courses are regulated and certified by Yoga Alliance. On completion of the course, our students can join Yoga Alliance Professionals. If you are looking for government certification for YTT course from a recognised institution in India, then join Swasti Yoga Center, Pune. Contact us or call us at +91 9922916025 or 9545019322 to enrol today!

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Add Yoga To Retain The Beauty Of Body And Mind

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